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作業系統模組 operating system module
作業系統監視器 operating system monitor,OSM
作業系統最佳化 operating system optimization
作業系統負擔 operating system overhead
作業系統原理 operating system principle
作業系統保密鎖 operating system privacy lock
作業系統處理器 operating system processor
作業系統程式 operating system program
作業系統恢復 operating system recovery
作業系統第二版 operating system release 2
作業系統常式 operating system routine
作業系統安全 operating system security
作業系統服務 operating system service
作業系統模擬語言 operating system simulation language,OSSL
VAX作業系統模擬器 operating system simulator for VAX ROSS/V
作業系統軟體 operating system software
作業系統空間 operating system space
作業系統標準資訊 operating system standard information
作業系統狀態資料 operating system state data
作業系統結構 operating system structure
作業系統監督器 operating system supervisor,OSS
作業系統監督控制 operating system supervisory control
作業系統支援設施 operating system support facility,OSSF
作業系統測試設施 operating system test facility,OSTF
作業系統測試 operating system test,OST
作業系統測試 operating system testing
作業系統理論 operating system theory
作業系統分時 operating system time-sharing
作業系統病毒 operating system virus
作業系統工作站 operating system workstation,OSWS
作業系統 operating system,OS
OS/2 作業系統 operating system/2
360作業系統 operating system/360,OS/360
作業系統/磁碟作業系統 operating system/disk operating system (OS/DOS)
OS/VS 作業系統/虛擬儲存 operating system/virtual storage
虛擬儲存作業系統 operating system/virtual storage (OS/VS)
作業系統程式交換字 operating system's program switch word
作業技術 operating techniques
作業技術及裝備 operating techniques and facilities
操作溫度 operating temperature
操作測試設備 operating test equipment,OTE
作業時間,操作時間 operating time
作業時間登錄 operating time log,OTL
操作電壓 operating voltage
操作電壓指示器,作業電壓指示器 operating voltage indicator
作業,操作,運算 operation
作業認可 operation acknowledge,OPACK
作業位址暫存器 operation address register
運算放大器 operation amplifier
作業分析 operation analysis
操作與維護活動 operation and maintenance activities,O&MA
操作與維護中心 operation and maintenance center,OMC
操作與維護手冊 operation and maintenance manual,OMM
操作與維護階段 operation and maintenance phase
操作與管理能力 operation and management capabilities
作業緩衝器 operation buffer
手續費 operation charge
手續費表格 operation charge form
作業圖 operation chart
作業檢查 operation check
作業類別 operation class
作業碼位元 operation code bit
作業碼欄 operation code field
作業碼表 operation code table
操作碼陷阱 operation code trap
運算碼,操作碼,作業碼 operation code,OPCODE
作業完成 operation complete
操作控制 operation control
作業控制中心 operation control center,OCC
作業控制鍵 operation control key,OCK
作業控制語言 operation control language,OCL
作業控制面板 operation control panel
作業控制敘述 operation control statement
作業控制開關 operation control switch
作業控制系統,運算控制系統 operation control system,OCS
運算控制裝置,作業控制單元 operation control unit
作業成本 operation cost
操作週期,運算週期 operation cycle
作業解碼器 operation decoder
操作定義,運算定義 operation definition
作業描述 operation description
作業明細 operation detail
作業明細附加描述 operation detail additional description
作業明細表格 operation detail form
作業指引 operation directive,OD
作業異常 operation exception
運算表式 operation expression
作業欄 operation field
作業欄碼 operation field code
作業流程圖 operation flow chart
作業表格 operation form
操作導引夾 operation guide binder
作業識別 operation ID
作業資訊系統 operation information system
運算指令 operation instruction
操作說明書 operation instruction book,OIB
運算介面命令 operation interface command
操作級,運算等級 operation level
作業維護 operation maintenance,OM
業務經理,操作管理器 operation manager,OM
操作手冊 operation manual,OM
作業差錯,運算差錯 operation mistake
操作模式,運算模式 operation mode
作業網 operation net
數學中運算符記法 operation notations in mathematics
作業號碼 operation number
操作負擔 operation overhead
作業封包 operation packet
操作面板 operation panel
作業部分 operation part,OP
作業管線 operation pipeline
作業點 operation point
作業過程 operation process
作業處理 operation processing
作業程式 operation program,OP
操作比率 operation ratio
作業記錄 operation record
作業暫存器,運算暫存器 operation register,OR
作業請求 operation request
作業限制器 operation restrictor
重算,操作再試 operation retry
作業排程 operation scheduling
作業順序控制 operation sequence control
作業順序號碼 operation sequence no.
作業順序號碼 operation sequence number
運算表單,操作表單 operation sheet
作業速率 operation speed
作業堆疊暫存器 operation stack register
作業標準 operation standard
作業狀態 operation status
作業狀態碼 operation status code
作業儲存器 operation storage
作業監督器,操作主管人 operation supervisor
作業符號,運算符號 operation symbol
作業系統,運行系統,業務系統 operation system
作業系統資料庫 operation system database
作業系統功能 operation system function
作業系統硬體 operation system hardware
作業系統管理 operation system management
運算表,操作表 operation table
操作測試 operation test
作業時間,操作時間,運算時間 operation time
運算符記 operation token
作業使用時間 operation use time
操作字 operation word
作業,操作,運算 operational
操作位址指令 operational address instruction
操作位址暫存器 operational address register,OAR
運算放大器 operational amplifier,OA
運算分析 operational analysis
作業通知系統 operational announcing system
作業方法 operational approach
作業屬性 operational attributes
作業中心 operational center
作業字元,運算符元 operational character
作業檢測程序 operational checkout procedure,OCP
運算電路 operational circuit
作業碼 operational code
操作命令與控制系統 operational command and control system,OCCS
作業條件,運算條件 operational condition
操作控制 operational control
國際通信衛星操作控制中心,COMSAT(國際通信衛星)操作控制中心 operational control center of COMSAT
操作控制台 operational control console,OCC
操作控制系統 operational control system
操作控制裝置,操作控制器 operational control unit,OCU
作業資料,運算資料 operational data
作業資料分析程式,運算資料分析程式 operational data analysis program,ODAP
作業資料分析,運算資料分析 operational data analysis,ODA
作業資料收集系統,運算資料收集系統 operational data collection system,ODCS
作業資料儲存庫 operational data store
作業資料庫 operational database
操作延遲 operational delay
作業磁片 operational diskette
運算顯示系統 operational display system,ODS
作業環境 operational environment
作業環境軟體 operational environment software
操作錯誤分析程式 operational error analysis program,OEAP
作業可行性 operational feasibility
作業流程圖,運算流程圖 operational flowchart
作業資訊系統 operational information system,OIS
操作輸入 operational input
作業指令 operational instruction
作業絕緣 operational insulation
作業完整性 operational integrity
操作鍵 operational key
作業知識 operational knowledge
運算標號 operational label
使用壽命保證週期 operational life proof cycle
使用壽命期間 operational life span
操作負載 operational load
操作維護說明書,運行維護說明書,作業維護說明 operational maintenance instruction,OMI
作業維護 operational maintenance,OM
作業管理資訊系統 operational management information system,OMIS
操作管理者 operational manager
運算方法 operational method
運算模式,作業模式 operational mode
作業模式年度預測 operational model annual forecast
作業網路控制 operational network control
作業命令 operational order
作業輸出 operational output
作業分頁系統 operational paging system,OPS
作業參數 operational parameter
運算效能,操作效能 operational performance
作業效能分析語言 operational performance analysis language,OPAL
作業階段 operational phase
工作電源,操作電源 operational power supply,OPS
工作原理,作業原理 operational principle
操作過程 operational process
作業設定檔 operational profile
作業程式,運算程式 operational program
作業就緒檢驗 operational readiness inspection,ORI
操作繼電器 operational relay
工作可靠性,作業可靠性 operational reliability
作業報告 operational report,OR
作業需求 operational requirements
作業語意學 operational semantics
操作順序 operational sequence,OS
作業順序圖 operational sequential diagram
作業服務週期 operational service period
作業服務狀態 operational service state
運算記號 operational sign
作業規格,操作說明書 operational specification
運算速率 operational speed
待用作業程式 operational standby program
作業儲存 operational store
作業支援 operational support
作業支援指引 operational support directive,OSD
作業支援設備 operational support equipment,OSE
作業支援系統 operational support system
運算符號 operational symbol
作業測試與評估 operational test and evaluation,OT&E
作業測試地面站 operational test land station
運算測試 operational testing
作業時間 operational time
操作單元號碼 operational unit number
操作單元 operational unit,OU
作業使用時間,有效工作時間,有效使用時間 operational use time
運算字 operational word
作業化 operationalization
作業層次系統 operational-level systems
停止運算指令 operational-stop instruction
作業管理維護 Operations Administration & Maintenance,OA&M
作業分析 operations analysis
作業及管理 operations and administration
作業同作 operations concurrency
操作控制程序 operations control procedure,OCP
操作指引手冊 operations directive handbook,ODH
作業主站 operations master
多任務作業 operations multitask
每分運算次數 operations per minute,OPM
每秒運算次數 operations per second,OSS
作業研究週期 operations research cycle
作業研究動態規劃 operations research dynamic programming
作業研究模型 operations research model
美國作業研究學會 operations research society of America,ORSA
作業研究 operations research,OR
作業安全 operations security
作業支援系統 operations support system,OSS
營運,行政和管理 operations, administration, and management
操作極限 operative limit
運算子,操作員,運算符 operator
操作員A,甲席接線生(應答本局呼叫,接通長途) operator A
運算子存取區域 operator access area
操作員輔助呼叫 operator assisted call
運算子結合性 operator associativity
操作員授權記錄 operator authorization record,OAR
操作員B,乙席接線生(應答長途入局呼叫,接通本局用戶) operator B
操作員級別,運算子類別 operator class
操作員命令 operator command
操作員命令功能處理器 operator command function processor,OCFP
操作員命令語言 operator command language,OCL
操作員通訊控制設施 operator communication control facility,OCCF
操作員通信管理器 operator communication manager,OPCOM
操作員通信 operator communication,OPCOM
操作員控制台 operator console
操作員控制台設施 operator console facility,OCF
操作員控制 operator control
操作員控制位址向量表 operator control address vector table
操作員控制命令 operator control command,OCC
操作員控制元件 operator control element,OPCE
操作員控制設施 operator control facility,OCF
操作員控制檔案 operator control file,OCF
操作員控制功能 operator control function
操作員控制語言命令 operator control language command
操作員控制語言 operator control language,OCL
操作員控制面板 operator control panel,OCP
操作員控制站 operator control station
操作員控制系統 operator control system
操作員控制系統或部分 operator control system or section
操作員控制表 operator control table,OCT
操作員延遲 operator delay
作業差別表 operator difference table
操作員顯示終端 operator display terminal
操作員顯示終端機協定 operator display terminal protocol
操作員遠距撥號 operator distance dialing,ODD
運算子域 operator domain
操作員錯誤,運算子錯誤 operator error
操作員錯誤分析 operator error analysis,OEA
操作員錯誤記錄 operator error recording,OER
運算子異常碼 operator exception code
操作員外中斷處理器 operator external interrupt processor
運算子欄 operator field
運算子文法 operator grammar
操作員導引碼 operator guidance code
操作員導引指示器 operator guidance indicator
操作員導引 operator guide
操作員處置器 operator handler
操作員識別 operator ID
操作員識別 operator identification
操作員指示器 operator indicator
操作員資訊區訊息 operator information area message
操作員資訊區 operator information area,OIA
操作員詢問 operator inquiry
操作員交互作用 operator interaction
操作員介面控制塊 operator interface control block,OPICB
操作員介面軟體 operator interface software
操作員中斷 operator interrupt
操作員中斷碼 operator interruption code
操作員介入 operator intervention
操作員介入區段 operator intervention section
操作員語言 operator language
操作員登錄 operator log
操作員邏輯分頁 operator logical paging
操作員手冊 operator manual
操作員訊息 operator message
操作員監視器 operator monitor
運算子記法 operator notation
操作員號碼識別 operator number identification,ONI
操作員導向語言 operator oriented language,OOL
運算子重載 operator overloading
運算子部分,作業部分 operator part
運算子在先 operator precedence
運算子居先文法 operator precedence grammar
運算子在先語言 operator precedence language
運算子在先矩陣 operator precedence matrix
運算子在先法 operator precedence method
運算子在先剖析器 operator precedence parser
運算子在先關係 operator precedence relation
運算子在先技術 operator precedence technique
運算子優先法 operator priority method
運算子優先次序文法 operator priority order grammar
運算子優先次序語言 operator priority order language
作業員特權類別 operator privilege class
操作員設定檔 operator profile
操作員程式設計方法 operator programming method,OPM
運算子暫存器 operator register
操作員請求控制面板 operator request control panel
操作員請求工件 operator request job,ORJ
操作員回應欄 operator response field
運算子環 operator ring
運算概要 operator schema
運算子順序表 operator sequence table
操作員維修面板 operator service panel
操作員服務 operator services
操作員設置時間 operator setup time
操作員發信號 operator signaling
運算子堆疊 operator stack
操作員站 operator station
操作員站任務 operator station task
操作符號,運算子符號 operator symbol
運算子表 operator table
運算符記 operator token
操作員中繼線 operator trunk
操作負單元控制台 operator unit console
操作員視窗 operator window
作業員調整形式 operator-adjustable form
運算子應用出現 operator-applied occurrence
運算子定義出現 operator-defined occurrence
操作員指示燈 operator-indicator lights
操作員-監視器間通信 operator-monitor communication
操作員存取碼 operator's access code
操作員控制台 operator's console
操作員可選符號 operator-selectable symbol
Opitz分類法 Opitz classification system
有向聚丙烯薄膜 opp film
大量資料分配介面 opper data distribution interface
對立色表制 opponent colours system
機會控制 opportunistic control
機運性規劃 opportunistic planning
機會成本 opportunity cost
機會管理系統 Opportunity Management System
機會研究 opportunity study
相對控制欄 opposite control field
相反型區域 opposite-type region
反雙工 opposition duplex
OPS5 規則式程式語言 OPS5
商業版 OPS5 程式語言 OPS83
選擇加入;參加 opt in
選擇退出;退出 opt out
光束 optic bundle
光纜 optic cable
光通信 optic communications
光連接器 optic connector
光資料鏈接 optic data link
光電子電路 optic electronic circuitry
光電子裝置 optic electronic device
光纖 optic fiber
光纖通訊 optic fiber communication
光纖技術 optic fiber technology
光流 optic flow
光流場 optic flow field
光介面裝置 optic interface device
光調變器 optic modulator
光多埠耦合器 optic multiport coupler
光電心肌激勵器 optic myocardium stimulator
光探針 optic probe
光反射感測器 optic reflective sensor
光棒耦合器 optic rod coupler
光擾頻器 optic scrambler
光感測器 optic sensor
光編接 optic splice
光電信電纜 optic telecommunication cable
光界限 optic terminus
光傳輸系統 optic transmission system
光波導 optic waveguide
光學自適應技術 optical adaptive technique
光學加入去除多工器 optical add & drop multiplexer
光類比電腦 optical analog computer
光類比記憶體 optical analog memory
光學分析器,光學分析程式 optical analyzer
光學衰減器 optical attenuator
光軸 optical axis
光學條碼閱讀機 optical bar code reader,OBR
光學條形閱讀機 optical bar reader
光束掃瞄 optical beam scanning
光學電纜,光導電纜 optical cable
光學電纜驅動器 optical cable driver
光學載體 optical carrier
光學載體 12 optical carrier 12,OC-12
光學載體3 optical carrier 3,OC-3
光學載體48 optical carrier 48,OC-48
光學載體 12 階 optical carrier level 12
光學載體 24 階 optical carrier level 24
光學載體 3 階 optical carrier level 3
光學載體 48 階 optical carrier level 48
光學體位階 optical carrier levels
光學載體n optical carrier n,OC-n
光學諧振腔 optical cavity
光學諧振腔二極體 optical cavity diode
光膠,光學結合劑 optical cement
光學字元 optical character
光學字元標示匹配 optical character mark matching
光學字元光電池矩陣 optical character photocell matrix
光學字元讀出 optical character read
感光字元閱讀器,光學字元閱讀機 optical character reader
光學字元辨識應用(程序) optical character recognition application
光學字元辨識共用語言 optical character recognition common language
光學字元辨識設備 optical character recognition equipment,OCRE
光學字元辨識機 optical character recognition machine
光學字元辨識系統 optical character recognition system
光學字元辨識用戶協會 optical character recognition user association,OCRUA
感光字元辨識,光學字元辨識 optical character recognition,OCR
光學字元辨識A字型 optical character recognition-a
光學字元符識別-美國標準協會標準 optical character recognition-ANSI standard
光學體位階 optical character recognition-b
光學字元辨識-國際標準 optical character recognition-international standard
光學字元掃瞄器 optical character scanner,OCS
光學字元技術 optical character technology
光學字元觀察器 optical character viewer
光學晶片 optical chip
光截斷器 optical chopper
光電路 optical circuit
光碼閱讀機 optical code reader,OCR
光重合比孔索引 optical coincidence index
光通信 optical communication
光通信系統 optical communication system
光學通訊 optical communications
光學電腦 optical computer,OC
光傳導 optical conduction
光導體 optical conductor
光導體損耗 optical conductor loss
光接觸,光接點 optical contact
光控制 optical control
光反制 optical countermeasure
光耦合器 optical coupler
光耦合 optical coupling
光學資料校正器 optical data corrector,ODC
光學資料數化器 optical data digitizer
光學資料鏈路 optical data links
光學資料處理概念 optical data processing concept
光學資料處理 optical data processing,ODP
光資料處理器 optical data processor,ODP
光學資料辨識 optical data recognition
光學資料傳輸通道 optical data transmission channel
光學資料傳輸系統 optical data transmission system,ODTS
光偏轉器 optical deflector
光延遲線 optical delay line,ODL
光學密度 optical densety
光密度 optical density
光檢測 optical detection
光檢測器 optical detector
光學裝置 optical device
檔案差異 optical diff
光學數位磁碟 optical digital disc
光學數位磁碟 optical digital disks
光學數位語音處理機 optical digital voice processor,ODVP
光定向耦合器 optical directional coupler
光碟 optical disc
光碟陣列 optical disc array
光碟驅動器 optical disc drive
光碟館 optical disc library
光碟伺服控制系統 optical disc servo control system
光碟塔 optical disc tower
光碟 optical disk
光碟匣 optical disk cartridge
光碟驅動機 optical disk drive
光碟記錄器 optical disk recorder
光磁碟儲存 optical disk storage
光色散衰減 optical dispersion attenuation
光顯示鍵盤 optical display keyboard
光顯示記憶體 optical display memory,ODM
光顯示繪圖器 optical display plotter
光顯示終端 optical display terminal
光失真 optical distortion
光學對接系統 optical docking system,ODS
光學文件閱讀機 optical document reader
光域服務互連 optical domain service interconnect
光學驅動機 optical drive
光學元件 optical element
光發射器 optical emitter
光編碼器 optical encoder
光端光潔度 optical end-finish
光能密度 optical energy density
光纖聲響感測器 optical fiber acoustic sensor
光纖束 optical fiber bundle
光纖電纜 optical fiber cable
光纖電路 optical fiber circuit
光纖包覆 optical fiber cladding
光纖塗層 optical fiber coating
光纖通信系統 optical fiber communication system
光纖通信 optical fiber communications
光纖集中器 optical fiber concentrator
光纖有源連接器 optical fiber connector
光纖延遲線 optical fiber delay line
光纖分配箱 optical fiber distribution box
光纖分配系統 optical fiber distribution system
光纖外套 optical fiber jacket
光纖連接 optical fiber junction
光纖線 optical fiber line
光纖靈敏值 optical fiber merit figure
光纖預型件 optical fiber preform
光纖脈衝壓縮 optical fiber pulse compression
光纖輻射損壞 optical fiber radiation damage
光纖色帶 optical fiber ribbon
光纖振鈴器 optical fiber ringer
光纖感測器 optical fiber sensor
光纖源 optical fiber source
光纖系統 optical fiber system
光纖張力強度 optical fiber tensile strength
光纖傳送功能 optical fiber transfer function,OFTF
光纖陷阱 optical fiber trap
光纖管 optical fiber tube,OFT
光纖視頻幹線 optical fiber video trunk
光纖 optical fibre
光學過濾器,濾光器 optical filter
光學尋檢器 optical finder
光閃框 optical flash frame
光流 optical flow
光學辨識用字型 optical font
光字型感測 optical font sensing
光體閃爍 optical form flash
光學表格閃光 optical forms flash
光學表格重疊 optical forms overlay
光傅立葉變換 optical Fourier transform
光頻分多工 optical frequency division multiplex
光玻璃 optical glass
光導引系統 optical guidance system,OGS
光學磁頭 optical head
光學影像 optical image
光學影像輸入裝置 optical image input unit
光學影像處理機 optical image processor,OIP
光學影像裝置 optical image unit
光成像路徑 optical imaging path
光阻抗不連續性 optical impedance discontinuity
光增量顯示 optical increment display
光資訊儲存器 optical information storage
光學積體電路 optical integrated circuit,OIC
光干擾 optical interference
光隔離 optical isolation
光隔離器 optical isolator
光日誌閱讀機 optical journal reader
光學記錄庫 optical jukebox
光學雷射單位 optical laser unit
視覺字母間距 optical letterspacing
光學記錄庫 optical libraries
光學館 optical library
光學濾光鏡 optical light filter
光線放大 optical line amplification
光鏈接 optical link
光學市話交換機載波 optical local exchange carrier
光損耗測試集 optical loss test sets
光標示 optical mark
光標示讀卡機 optical mark card reader
光標示頁閱讀機 optical mark page reader
光標示列印機 optical mark printer,OMPR
光標示閱讀機卡 optical mark reader card,OMRC
光標示閱讀機表單 optical mark reader sheet,OMRS
光標示閱讀機 optical mark reader,OMR
光標示讀出 optical mark reading
光標示辨識 optical mark recognition,OMR
光標示表單 optical mark sheet
光邁射器,激光器 optical maser
光大量儲存 optical mass storage
光學媒體 optical media
光記憶體 optical memory
光學記憶卡 optical memory card
光記憶體電路 optical memory circuit
光學顯微鏡 optical microscope
光混頻 optical mixing
光混頻器 optical mixing box
光混頻棒 optical mixing rod
光學調變 optical modulation
光調變器 optical modulator
光學式滑鼠 optical mouse
光多模分散 optical multimode dispersion
光多工區段保護 optical multiplex section protection
光多工器 optical multiplexer
光纖網路 optical network
光纖網路介面 optical network interface
光纖網路單元 optical network unit
光纖網路連結 optical networking
光學類神經電腦 optical neuro computer,ONC
光數值孔徑,光數值口徑 optical numerical aperture
光學頁閱讀機 optical page reader,OPR
光參數放大器 optical parametric amplifier
光參數振盪器 optical parametric oscillator
光路徑,光程 optical path
光程長度 optical path length
光學型樣辨識 optical pattern recognition,OPR
光學讀頭 optical pickup
光功率密度 optical power density
光功率係數,光功率效率 optical power efficiency
光功率輸出 optical power output
光學程序任務指令編譯器 optical procedural task instruction compiler,OPTIC
光學處理 optical processing
光學處理系統,光處理系統 optical processing system,OPS
光處理機 optical processor
光保護塗層,光保護表面 optical protective coating
光脈衝計數器 optical pulse counter
使用雷射的光脈衝傳輸器 optical pulse transmitter using laser,OPTUL
光範圍,視線距離 optical range
光射線 optical ray
光學讀寫頭 optical read/write head
光學閱讀機 optical reader
光學閱讀機輸入裝置 optical reader input device
光學閱讀直接輸入系統 optical reading direct input system,ORDIS
光閱讀機 optical reading equipment
光唯讀記憶體 optical read-only memory
光接收器 optical receiver
光學識別 optical recognition
光識別裝置 optical recognition device
光學記錄 optical recording
光學記錄媒體 optical recording media
光信號轉發器功率 optical repeater power
光解析度 optical resolution
光旋轉 optical rotation
光衛星 optical satellite
光學掃瞄轉換 optical scan conversion
光掃瞄器 optical scanner
光掃瞄 optical scanning
光掃瞄裝置 optical scanning device,OSD
光掃瞄單位 optical scanning unit
光學感測器 Optical Sensor
光信號 optical signal
光信號處理 optical signal processing
美國光學學會 optical society of America,OSA
光學聲道 optical soundtrack
光源 optical source
光空間分割多工 optical space division multiplexing,OSDM
光學間距 optical spacing
光譜分析儀 optical spectrum analyzer
光速 optical speed
光儲存 optical storage
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